
Electrocardiography (ECG) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used to assess the electrical activity of the heart. ECG is a vital, non-invasive diagnostic tool employed to evaluate the heart's electrical activity. By placing electrodes on the patient's skin, typically on the chest, arms, and legs, the ECG records the electrical signals produced each time the heart beats. This recording is displayed as a series of waveforms, which provide critical information about the heart's rhythm and function.

  • Track 5-1: Basics of Electrocardiography
  • Track 5-2: Interpreting ECG Results
  • Track 5-3: Clinical Applications of ECG
  • Track 5-4: Advances in ECG Technology
  • Track 5-5: Training and Proficiency in ECG

ECG is a cornerstone in cardiac diagnostics, providing valuable insights into heart function and aiding in the timely diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions.

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