Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

A cardiologist is a medical doctor specialized in diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases related to the heart and blood vessels. Their expertise includes managing conditions such as heart attacks, arrhythmias, and heart failure. Cardiologists perform diagnostic tests, develop treatment plans, and provide ongoing care to help patients manage heart conditions and improve cardiovascular health.

  • Track 1-1: Roles and Responsibilities of a Cardiologist
  • Track 1-2: Diagnostic Tools and Techniques
  • Track 1-3: Interventional Cardiology
  • Track 1-4: Preventative Cardiology
  • Track 1-5: Advances in Cardiology

Cardiologists play a critical role in maintaining cardiovascular health, using advanced techniques and personalized care to treat heart conditions effectively.

Clinical cardiology emphasizes non-invasive techniques for diagnosing, treating, and managing a variety of heart diseases. It focuses on patient care, risk assessment, and employing medical therapies to enhance heart health and prevent complications. This field spans a wide spectrum of conditions, from coronary artery disease and heart failure to arrhythmias and valvular disorders. Advances in imaging, pharmacotherapy, and preventive strategies play pivotal roles in improving outcomes and optimizing care for patients with cardiovascular issues

  • Track 2-1: Overview of Clinical Cardiology
  • Track 2-2: Diagnostic Approaches in Clinical Cardiology
  • Track 2-3: Management of Chronic Heart Conditions
  • Track 2-4: Innovations in Clinical Cardiology
  • Track 2-5: Patient Education and Support

Clinical cardiology is essential for providing comprehensive care to heart patients, improving outcomes through early detection and effective management.

Heart diseases include conditions affecting the heart's structure and function, such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, and valvular heart disease. Understanding these diseases, their risk factors, and treatment options is crucial for improving health outcomes. Advances in diagnostics, medical therapies, and surgical techniques have enhanced patient care. Emphasis on preventive measures and lifestyle modifications also plays a key role in reducing the prevalence and impact of heart diseases on overall health.

  • Track 3-1: Types of Heart Diseases
  • Track 3-2: Risk Factors and Prevention
  • Track 3-3: Diagnostic Methods
  • Track 3-4: Treatment Modalities
  • Track 3-5: Living with Heart Disease

Addressing heart diseases requires a multifaceted approach, integrating prevention, early detection, and innovative treatments to enhance patient quality of life.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a prevalent condition that significantly increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other complications. Effective management of hypertension is essential to prevent its severe long-term health impacts. This can be achieved through a combination of lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and weight management and medication. Early detection and consistent management are key to reducing the overall burden of hypertension and improving patient outcomes.

  • Track 4-1: Understanding Hypertension
  • Track 4-2: Causes and Risk Factors
  • Track 4-3: Diagnostic Criteria and Monitoring
  • Track 4-4: Treatment and Management
  • Track 4-5: Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk

Effective hypertension management can significantly reduce the risk of serious health problems, emphasizing the importance of regular monitoring and appropriate treatment.

Electrocardiography (ECG) is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used to assess the electrical activity of the heart. ECG is a vital, non-invasive diagnostic tool employed to evaluate the heart's electrical activity. By placing electrodes on the patient's skin, typically on the chest, arms, and legs, the ECG records the electrical signals produced each time the heart beats. This recording is displayed as a series of waveforms, which provide critical information about the heart's rhythm and function.

  • Track 5-1: Basics of Electrocardiography
  • Track 5-2: Interpreting ECG Results
  • Track 5-3: Clinical Applications of ECG
  • Track 5-4: Advances in ECG Technology
  • Track 5-5: Training and Proficiency in ECG

ECG is a cornerstone in cardiac diagnostics, providing valuable insights into heart function and aiding in the timely diagnosis and treatment of heart conditions.

Cardio-oncology is an emerging field that addresses the cardiovascular side effects of cancer treatments. It addresses the cardiovascular side effects of cancer treatments, focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of heart problems in cancer patients and survivors. This field is crucial due to the increasing number of cancer survivors who are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as a result of their cancer treatments.

  • Track 6-1: Introduction to Cardio-Oncology
  • Track 6-2: Cardiotoxicity of Cancer Therapies
  • Track 6-3: Monitoring and Managing Cardiotoxicity
  • Track 6-4: Collaborative Care in Cardio-Oncology
  • Track 6-5: Research and Future Directions   

Cardio-oncology ensures that cancer patients receive comprehensive care, mitigating the cardiovascular risks associated with cancer treatments and improving overall outcomes.

Nuclear cardiology uses non-invasive imaging techniques to evaluate heart function and diagnose cardiovascular diseases. continues to revolutionize the field of cardiovascular medicine by offering non-invasive imaging techniques that provide critical insights into heart function and the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. One of the most prominent methods in this domain is myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI).

  • Track 7-1: Principles of Nuclear Cardiology
  • Track 7-2: Diagnostic Imaging Techniques
  • Track 7-3: Clinical Applications
  • Track 7-4: Advances in Nuclear Cardiology
  • Track 7-5: Safety and Efficacy

Nuclear cardiology plays a vital role in the non-invasive assessment of heart health, aiding in the accurate diagnosis and effective management of cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiac nursing involves specialized care for patients with cardiovascular diseases, from acute care settings to rehabilitation and chronic disease management. Cardiac nurses are critical in patient education, support, and recovery.

  • Track 8-1: Roles and Responsibilities of Cardiac Nurses
  • Track 8-2: Cardiac Care Techniques
  • Track 8-3: Patient Education and Support
  • Track 8-4: Innovations in Cardiac Nursing
  • Track 8-5: Continuing Education and Professional Development

Cardiac nursing is essential for delivering high-quality care to heart patients, emphasizing compassionate support and effective treatment.


Pediatric cardiology focuses on diagnosing and treating heart conditions in infants, children, and adolescents. It includes congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, and other cardiovascular issues specific to younger populations. This discipline addresses a wide range of cardiovascular issues specific to younger populations, including congenital heart defects, arrhythmias, and acquired heart diseases.

  • Track 9-1: Overview of Pediatric Cardiology
  • Track 9-2: Congenital Heart Defects
  • Track 9-3: Diagnostic Techniques in Pediatrics
  • Track 9-4: Treatment Approaches
  • Track 9-5: Long-Term Care and Follow-Up

Pediatric cardiology ensures that children with heart conditions receive specialized care, promoting healthy development and improving long-term outcomes.


A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, leading to brain cell death. Early intervention and rehabilitation are essential for improving recovery and minimizing long-term effects. Prompt medical treatment, including clot removal or medication, can significantly enhance outcomes. Rehabilitation therapies, such as physical, occupational, and speech therapy, play a crucial role in helping patients regain lost functions and improve their quality of life.

  • Track 10-1: Understanding Stroke
  • Track 10-2: Risk Factors and Prevention
  • Track 10-3: Acute Stroke Management
  • Track 10-4: Rehabilitation and Recovery
  • Track 10-5: Advances in Stroke Research

Effective stroke management and rehabilitation can significantly enhance patient recovery, highlighting the importance of timely intervention and ongoing care.

Cardiac surgery involves surgical procedures on the heart or great vessels performed by cardiac surgeons. It is often used to treat complications of ischemic heart disease, correct congenital heart disease, or treat valvular heart disease caused by various reasons, including endocarditis. The advancements in cardiac surgery have significantly improved patient outcomes, offering life-saving interventions and enhancing quality of life.

  • Track 11-1: Advances in Cardiac Surgery Techniques
  • Track 11-2: Postoperative Care and Recovery
  • Track 11-3: Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
  • Track 11-4: Managing Complications in Cardiac Surgery
  • Track 11-5: Patient Case Studies in Cardiac Surgery

Cardiac surgery saves lives and improves outcomes for patients with severe heart conditions. Highlighting these advancements raises awareness of the importance of surgical interventions in treating heart diseases.

Thrombosis occurs when blood clots form in blood vessels, potentially causing serious health problems like heart attack, stroke, and deep vein thrombosis. Understanding the mechanisms, risk factors, and preventive measures of thrombosis is essential for reducing morbidity and mortality associated with thrombotic events.

  • Track 12-1: Pathophysiology of Thrombosis
  • Track 12-2: Risk Factors and Prevention Strategies
  • Track 12-3: Diagnosis and Management
  • Track 12-4: Antithrombotic Therapy
  • Track 12-5: Thrombosis Research and Innovations

Thrombosis research and management are critical in preventing severe complications and improving patient outcomes. Awareness and education can lead to better prevention and treatment strategies.

Heart arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats that can lead to various health issues, from benign palpitations to life-threatening conditions. These irregularities can lead to serious health issues, including heart failure and stroke. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are crucial to prevent complications and maintain optimal heart function. It use advanced diagnostic tools and treatments, such as medication, ablation therapy, and implantable devices, to effectively manage arrhythmias and improve outcomes for young patients.

  • Track 13-1: Types of Heart Arrhythmias
  • Track 13-2: Diagnostic Approaches
  • Track 13-3: Treatment Options
  • Track 13-4: Living with Heart Arrhythmia
  • Track 13-5: Innovations in Arrhythmia Management

Understanding and managing heart arrhythmias can significantly improve patients' quality of life and reduce the risk of severe cardiac events.

Valvular heart disease involves damage to one or more of the heart's valves, leading to disrupted blood flow. Advances in diagnosis, medical treatment, and surgical interventions have greatly improved outcomes for patients with valvular heart disease.

  • Track 14-1: Types and Causes of Valvular Heart Disease
  • Track 14-2: Diagnostic Tools and Techniques
  • Track 14-3: Medical and Surgical Treatment
  • Track 14-4: Post-Treatment Care and Management
  • Track 14-5: Case Studies and Clinical Outcomes

Raising awareness about valvular heart disease can lead to earlier diagnosis and better management, ultimately improving patient outcomes. 

The interplay between pulmonology and cardiology is crucial, as the heart and lungs work closely to maintain overall health. Understanding this relationship is essential for diagnosing and treating conditions that affect both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

  • Track 15-1: Cardiopulmonary Interactions
  • Track 15-2: Diagnosing Combined Cardiac and Pulmonary Conditions
  • Track 15-3: Treatment Strategies
  • Track 15-4: Managing Chronic Cardiopulmonary Diseases
  • Track 15-5: Advances in Cardiopulmonary Research

Integrating pulmonology and cardiology can lead to comprehensive care and better management of conditions affecting both the heart and lungs.

Sports cardiology focuses on the cardiovascular care of athletes and active individuals. It involves understanding the effects of exercise on the heart and managing cardiac conditions that may arise in this population. Advances in diagnostic techniques, personalized exercise recommendations, and preventive strategies are key to maintaining heart health and enhancing athletic performance.

  • Track 16-1: Cardiac Screening for Athletes
  • Track 16-2: Exercise-Induced Cardiac Adaptations
  • Track 16-3: Managing Cardiac Conditions in Athletes
  • Track 16-4: Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Sports
  • Track 16-5: Advances in Sports Cardiology Research

Sports cardiology ensures the safety and well-being of athletes, promoting optimal cardiovascular health through specialized care and research.


Cardiac imaging plays a crucial role in diagnosing and managing heart diseases. Technological advancements in imaging techniques have revolutionized the field, allowing for detailed visualization of cardiac structures and functions.

  • Track 17-1: Types of Cardiac Imaging Modalities
  • Track 17-2: Applications in Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Track 17-3: Innovations in Cardiac Imaging
  • Track 17-4: Case Studies in Cardiac Imaging
  • Track 17-5: Future Directions in Cardiac Imaging

Enhanced cardiac imaging techniques lead to better diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient outcomes, highlighting the importance of continuous advancements in this field.


Vascular biology studies the function and structure of blood vessels, crucial for understanding various cardiovascular diseases. Research in this area can lead to new therapeutic strategies and improved management of vascular conditions.

  • Track 18-1: Endothelial Function and Dysfunction
  • Track 18-2: Vascular Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
  • Track 18-3: Angiogenesis and Vascular Remodeling
  • Track 18-4: Vascular Genetics and Genomics
  • Track 18-5: Translational Research in Vascular Biology

Advances in vascular biology research provide insights into the mechanisms of vascular diseases and potential therapeutic targets, improving patient care.


Case reports in cardiology provide valuable insights into unique clinical scenarios, rare conditions, and novel treatment approaches. They serve as an educational tool for healthcare professionals and contribute to medical knowledge. By detailing unusual presentations, diagnostic dilemmas, and therapeutic challenges, case reports contribute significantly to the understanding and management of diverse cardiac conditions, ultimately improving patient care and outcomes through shared experiences and evidence-based practices.

  • Track 19-1: Unique and Rare Cardiology Cases
  • Track 19-2: Diagnostic Challenges and Solutions
  • Track 19-3: Innovative Treatment Approaches
  • Track 19-4: Clinical Outcomes and Follow-up
  • Track 19-5: Lessons Learned from Case Reports

Sharing and analyzing cardiology case reports enhances clinical practice, promoting better patient outcomes through shared knowledge and experience.

Geriatric cardiology focuses on the cardiovascular care of older adults, addressing the unique challenges and comorbidities that arise with aging. It involves tailored approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and management of heart diseases in the elderly.

  • Track 20-1: Cardiovascular Aging and Its Impact
  • Track 20-2: Common Cardiovascular Conditions in the Elderly
  • Track 20-3: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
  • Track 20-4: Multimorbidity and Polypharmacy Management
  • Track 20-5: Advances in Geriatric Cardiology Research

Geriatric cardiology emphasizes the need for specialized care for older adults, aiming to improve their cardiovascular health and overall quality of life.

Cardiovascular pharmacology focuses on the study of drugs used to treat heart conditions and diseases. This field encompasses understanding the effects, mechanisms, and therapeutic uses of various medications on the cardiovascular system. Pharmacological interventions can significantly improve patient outcomes by managing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, heart rhythms, and more.

  • Track 21-1: Drug Mechanisms in Cardiovascular Therapy
  • Track 21-2: Antihypertensive Agents
  • Track 21-3: Antiarrhythmic Drugs
  • Track 21-4: Lipid-Lowering Therapies
  • Track 21-5: Emerging Cardiovascular Drugs

Understanding the pharmacology of cardiovascular drugs is crucial in managing heart diseases effectively. This knowledge can lead to better therapeutic strategies and improved patient care.

Robotic cardiac surgery utilizes advanced robotic systems to perform heart surgeries with precision and minimally invasive techniques. This approach offers numerous benefits, including reduced recovery times, less postoperative pain, and smaller scars.

  • Track 22-1: Introduction to Robotic Cardiac Surgery
  • Track 22-2: Techniques and Procedures
  • Track 22-3: Benefits and Outcomes
  • Track 22-4: Training and Skill Development
  • Track 22-5: Future Trends in Robotic Surgery

The evolution of robotic cardiac surgery represents a significant advancement in medical technology, providing patients with safer and more effective treatment options.

Cardiac regeneration aims to restore heart function after damage, such as from a heart attack. This field explores the use of stem cells, gene therapy, and tissue engineering to regenerate damaged heart tissue and improve cardiac health.

  • Track 23-1: Stem Cells in Cardiac Repair
  • Track 23-2: Gene Therapy Approaches
  • Track 23-3: Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
  • Track 23-4: Clinical Trials and Applications
  • Track 23-5: Challenges and Future Directions

Advances in cardiac regeneration hold the promise of revolutionizing the treatment of heart diseases, offering hope for recovery and improved quality of life.


Dyslipidemia refers to abnormal levels of lipids in the blood, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Managing dyslipidemia involves lifestyle changes, medications, and monitoring to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. Regular monitoring and patient education are essential to achieving and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Addressing dyslipidemia effectively not only improves cardiovascular outcomes but also underscores the importance of personalized treatment strategies tailored to individual patient needs and risk profiles.

  • Track 24-1: Understanding Dyslipidemia
  • Track 24-2: Diagnostic Criteria and Risk Factors
  • Track 24-3: Lifestyle and Dietary Interventions
  • Track 24-4: Pharmacological Treatments
  • Track 24-5: Long-Term Management and Prevention

Addressing dyslipidemia is crucial in preventing cardiovascular diseases and promoting heart health.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) encompasses a range of heart and blood vessel disorders, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke. Preventing and managing CVD involves a comprehensive approach combining lifestyle changes, medications, and medical procedures.

  • Track 25-1: Epidemiology and Risk Factors
  • Track 25-2: Prevention Strategies
  • Track 25-3: Treatment and Management
  • Track 25-4: Advances in CVD Research
  • Track 25-5: Public Health and Awareness

Efforts to combat cardiovascular disease focus on reducing risk factors and improving patient outcomes through effective treatments and preventive measures.


Recent innovations in cardiovascular surgery have revolutionized patient care, introducing advanced techniques and technologies that improve surgical outcomes and recovery. Minimally invasive procedures, robotic-assisted surgeries, and 3D printing for personalized implants are reshaping treatment options. Enhanced imaging technologies like intraoperative MRI and CT scans enable precise surgical planning and execution. These advancements not only reduce recovery times but also enhance patient safety and long-term prognosis, marking a significant leap forward in the field of cardiovascular surgery

  • Track 26-1: Minimally Invasive Techniques
  • Track 26-2: Robotic and Image-Guided Surgery
  • Track 26-3: Advances in Cardiopulmonary Bypass
  • Track 26-4: Hybrid Surgical Approaches
  • Track 26-5: Postoperative Care and Recovery

Continued innovation in cardiovascular surgery is crucial for improving the safety and effectiveness of heart surgeries.

Cardiac biomarkers and diagnostic tools play a vital role in detecting and managing heart diseases. These tools help in early diagnosis, monitoring disease progression, and guiding treatment decisions.

  • Track 27-1: Key Cardiac Biomarkers
  • Track 27-2: Advances in Imaging Techniques
  • Track 27-3: Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods
  • Track 27-4: Biomarker-Guided Therapies
  • Track 27-5: Future Directions in Diagnostics

The development and application of advanced diagnostic tools are essential for improving the accuracy and efficiency of cardiovascular care.


Artificial heart devices and transplants offer life-saving options for patients with severe heart failure. These technologies support or replace heart function, providing critical solutions for those awaiting transplants or ineligible for them.

  • Track 28-1: Types of Artificial Heart Devices
  • Track 28-2: Indications and Patient Selection
  • Track 28-3: Surgical Techniques and Postoperative Care
  • Track 28-4: Long-Term Outcomes and Complications
  • Track 28-5: Ethical and Logistical Considerations

The advancements in artificial heart devices and transplant techniques are pivotal in extending and improving the lives of patients with end-stage heart failure.


Cardiac biomaterials and tissue engineering focus on developing materials and constructs to repair or replace damaged heart tissue. This field combines principles of biology, engineering, and material science to innovate treatments for cardiac diseases.

  • Track 29-1: Types of Cardiac Biomaterials
  • Track 29-2: Biocompatibility and Integration
  • Track 29-3: Tissue Engineering Techniques
  • Track 29-4: Clinical Applications and Trials
  • Track 29-5: Future Perspectives in Tissue Engineering

Research in cardiac biomaterials and tissue engineering aims to provide regenerative solutions that improve heart function and patient outcomes.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cardiovascular medicine is revolutionizing how heart diseases are diagnosed, treated, and managed. AI technologies enhance decision-making, predict outcomes, and personalize patient care.

  • Track 30-1: AI in Cardiovascular Diagnostics
  • Track 30-2: Machine Learning in Treatment Planning
  • Track 30-3: Predictive Analytics and Risk Assessment
  • Track 30-4: AI-Driven Research and Development
  • Track 30-5: Ethical Considerations and Challenges

The integration of AI in cardiovascular medicine holds immense potential to transform healthcare, making it more efficient, accurate, and patient-centered.