
Cardio-oncology is an emerging field that addresses the cardiovascular side effects of cancer treatments. It addresses the cardiovascular side effects of cancer treatments, focusing on the prevention, diagnosis, and management of heart problems in cancer patients and survivors. This field is crucial due to the increasing number of cancer survivors who are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as a result of their cancer treatments.

  • Track 6-1: Introduction to Cardio-Oncology
  • Track 6-2: Cardiotoxicity of Cancer Therapies
  • Track 6-3: Monitoring and Managing Cardiotoxicity
  • Track 6-4: Collaborative Care in Cardio-Oncology
  • Track 6-5: Research and Future Directions   

Cardio-oncology ensures that cancer patients receive comprehensive care, mitigating the cardiovascular risks associated with cancer treatments and improving overall outcomes.

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